Character Creation Guide, Part 3: Species

 The last thing you need to know about character creation in SWTOR is that not all of the twelve playable species are available for all players or all classes at first.

  • Humans, Cyborgs, and Zabraks are automatically available to all players; however, only brown Zabraks are available for Republic classes and only red Zabraks are available for Imperial classes until you unlock the species.
  • Miraluka, Mirialans, Twi'leks, Sith Purebloods, Chiss, and Rattataki are only available to subscribers until they are unlocked.
  • Cathar, Togruta, and Nautolans must be bought from the Cartel Market using Cartel Coins, which cost real money.
Even for subscribers, certain species are restricted to certain classes until they are unlocked.
  • Humans, Cyborgs, Zabraks, Cathar, Togruta, and Nautolans: All classes
  • Miraluka: Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular
  • Mirialan: All Republic classes
  • Twi'lek: Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, and Sith Inquisitor
  • Sith Pureblood: Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor
  • Chiss: Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent
  • Rattataki: Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, and Imperial Agent
How do I unlock a species?

There are two ways to unlock a species. One way is by reaching level 50 with a character of that species. The other way is to buy the species unlock from the Cartel Market. Keep in mind that species unlocks are per-server, not account-wide. The exceptions are Cathar, Togruta, and Nautolan, which are account-wide unlocks.


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