Romance Guide
Depending on your character's gender, at least one of your companions will be romanceable! To romance a companion, select [Flirt] options during their conversations. Influence level does not affect romance.
List of romanceable companions:
- Kira Carsen (Male Jedi Knight)
- Doc (Female Jedi Knight)
- Nadia Grell (Male Jedi Consular)
- Felix Iresso (Female Jedi Consular)
- Elara Dorne (Male Trooper)
- Aric Jorgan (Female Trooper)
- Risha (Male Smuggler)
- Akaavi Spar (Male Smuggler)
- Corso Riggs (Female Smuggler)
- Vette (Male Sith Warrior)
- Jaesa Willsaam (Male Sith Warrior)*
- Malavai Quinn (Female Sith Warrior)
- Ashara Zavros (Male Sith Inquisitor)
- Andronikos Revel (Female Sith Inquisitor)
- Mako (Male Bounty Hunter)
- Torian Cadera (Female Bounty Hunter)
- Kaliyo Djannis (Male Imperial Agent)
- Raina Temple (Male Imperial Agent)
- Vector Hyllus (Female Imperial Agent)
*Jaesa Willsaam is only romanceable if you turn her to the dark side. If she remains light side, she is not romanceable.
There are also a number of flings and one-night stands you'll encounter on various planets. None of them affect any long-term romances.
Republic short-term romances
Male Jedi Knight: Ranna Tao'ven
Female Jedi Consular: Tharan Cedrax
Male Trooper: Ava Jaxo
Female Jedi Consular: Tharan Cedrax
Male Trooper: Ava Jaxo
Male Smuggler: Beryl Thorne, Azalie, Vaverone Zare, Cedonia Teraan, Alilia, Marshal Cavarat, and Senator Dodonna
Female Smuggler: Darmas Pollaran, Lenn Teraan, Skavak, Numen Brock, and Lokir-Ka
All Republic males: Deera Ulyette
Imperial short-term romances
Male Sith Warrior: Lady Grathan, Taunt, and Tivva
Male Sith Inquisitor: Rylee Dray
Female Sith Inquisitor: Urtel Moren
Male Bounty Hunter: Aitalla
Female Bounty Hunter: Raffid
Male Imperial Agent: Samara Mindak, Natula Pahn, Baroness Cortess, Ki Sazen, Yana-Ton, and [SPOILER REDACTED]
Female Imperial Agent: Dheno Rey, Sanju Pyne, Jordel Tlan, Aristocra Saganu, and Phi-Ton
All Imperial males: Darth Lachris and Lord Zavrasha
All Imperial females: Colonel Harok
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