What Do I Do Next?: Class Story Order Guide
Progressing through the story in SWTOR is easy: just follow the purple quest markers! But is that really all you need to do? This is a list of the planets you'll visit, in order, as you play through your class story, as well as things I recommend doing and things you can skip.
Starter Planet
You start your story on one of four planets depending on your class:
- Tython (Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular)
- Ord Mantell (Trooper and Smuggler)
- Korriban (Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor)
- Hutta (Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent)
You conclude the story quests on your starter planet by traveling to the Fleet, your faction's main hub.
Once you reach the Fleet, you'll be prompted to board a shuttle to Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. You can simply go there, or you can do one of these flashpoints, the SWTOR equivalent of dungeons. They're meant to serve as an introduction to flashpoints and are completely optional, but I recommend you do them at least once. The Esseles in particular forms a mini-arc with two later flashpoints, Taral V and Maelstrom Prison. They become available at level 10. To pick them up, take the Departures elevator on the Fleet. The quest givers are in the same location where you go to board the shuttles.
Starting on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, you'll see NPCs with a purple quest icon and the words "Story Arc: [Planet Name]" over their heads. They look like this:
The prologue ends with you getting your very own starship, enabling you to travel anywhere in the galaxy.
Chapter 1
Taris (Republic)/Balmorra (Imperial)
Nar Shaddaa
Interlude (where this interlude takes place depends on your class story)
Chapter 1 Finale
Flashpoints: Taral V & Maelstrom Prison (Republic)/Boarding Party & The Foundry (Imperial)
These back-to-back flashpoint pairs become available at level 29. Like The Esseles and The Black Talon, they're optional, but also serve to set up the later expansions, so I also recommend doing them at least once. They can be picked up from a droid near the Mission Departures elevator on the Fleet.
Chapter 2
Intro to Chapter 2
Balmorra (Republic)/Taris (Imperial)
Quesh is the only planet where you have to pick up the story arc to access the planet. However, if you don't want to do it, you can go into your mission log and abandon the quest once you're on the planet's surface.
Chapter 2 Finale
Chapter 3
Intro to Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Finale
Congratulations, you're all done with your class story! But your adventures are by no means over...
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