
Showing posts from June, 2024

Expansion Romance Guide

SPOILERS AHEAD!!! . . . . . . . . . . . Short-term romances As before, these won't affect any long-term romances. Rise of the Hutt Cartel: Cytharat (all Imperial males) and Lemda Avesta (all Republic characters) CZ-198: Eva Kaayz (all Imperial characters) Jedi Under Siege/Onslaught/Legacy of the Sith: Major Anri (all Imperial characters) Showdown on Ruhnuk/Chains in the Dark/Desperate Defiance: Lane Vizla (all characters) Long-term romances These are slightly more complicated than just picking [Flirt] options. There are certain conditions you have to meet if you want to take any of these romance options, which I'll explain in a bit. Forged Alliances/Shadow of Revan: Theron Shan (all characters) and Lana Beniko (all characters) Knights of the Fallen Empire: Koth Vortena (all characters) Knights of the Eternal Throne: Arcann (all characters) (highlight for spoiler) Theron and Lana: You can technically start romancing either of them when you first meet them during Forged Alliance...

Hey, Where'd All My Companions Go?: Alliance Alert Guide

 When you start Knights of the Fallen Empire, you lose all of your companions. Yes, you read that right. But don't worry, you can get them back (with their influence levels intact, so you don't need to worry about that) along with a lot of the companions from the other seven class stories. This is why I suggest completing all eight class stories before starting Fallen Empire. Story - all classes These companions return as part of the story and are automatically recruited by all classes. T7-O1 - KotFE Chapter 3 Kaliyo Djannis - KotFE Chapter 10 Aric Jorgan - KotFE Chapter 11 Gault Rennow - KotFE Chapter 13 Vette - KotFE Chapter 13 Torian Cadera - KotFE Chapter 14 Elara Dorne - Iokath (if siding with the Republic) Malavai Quinn - Iokath (if siding with the Empire) Raina Temple - A Traitor Among the Chiss Kira Carsen* - after Objective Meridian Scourge* - after Objective Meridian *Kira and Scourge join you regardless of your class and there is nothing further you need to do to rec...

I Finished My Class Story, Now What?: Expansions Guide

These are all the currently released expansions that follow the class stories, in the order which you are meant to do them. Before we begin: the mission console On your ship, you will see this: This is your mission console, where you can begin any of the expansions whenever you like as soon as you reach their required levels. It's not necessary to use it except when directed to by your mission log, but it's a nice thing to know about. Ilum This planet becomes available at level 47, but it automatically starts after completing Chapter 3 and is meant to be a sort of epilogue to the class stories. Ilum's storyline concludes with a pair of back-to-back flashpoints, The Battle of Ilum and The False Emperor. Ilum isn't mandatory, but I definitely recommend doing it at least once, since the events of Ilum have a huge impact on the story down the line. Rise of the Hutt Cartel (Makeb) You can skip this and miss nothing story-critical. Really. It's effectively a filler episod...

Romance Guide

Depending on your character's gender, at least one of your  companions will be romanceable! To romance a companion, select [Flirt] options during their conversations. Influence level does not affect romance. List of romanceable companions: Kira Carsen (Male Jedi Knight) Doc (Female Jedi Knight) Nadia Grell (Male Jedi Consular) Felix Iresso (Female Jedi Consular) Elara Dorne (Male Trooper) Aric Jorgan (Female Trooper) Risha (Male Smuggler) Akaavi Spar (Male Smuggler) Corso Riggs (Female Smuggler) Vette (Male Sith Warrior) Jaesa Willsaam (Male Sith Warrior)* Malavai Quinn (Female Sith Warrior) Ashara Zavros (Male Sith Inquisitor) Andronikos Revel (Female Sith Inquisitor) Mako (Male Bounty Hunter) Torian Cadera (Female Bounty Hunter) Kaliyo Djannis (Male Imperial Agent) Raina Temple (Male Imperial Agent) Vector Hyllus (Female Imperial Agent) *Jaesa Willsaam is only romanceable if you turn her to the dark side. If she remains light side, she is not romanceable. There are also a number...

Companions Guide

Over the course of your class story, you'll recruit five companions to help you out in combat. You can set a companion to heal, tank, or DPS by right-clicking their portrait and hovering over "Role Selection." Influence A companion's influence level determines how effective they are in combat. You gain companion influence by giving them gifts (dropped from enemies or bought on the Fleet) and doing things they like or dislike in cutscenes. Approval raises their influence level by 250; disapproval raises it by 50. Companion conversations Every companion has their own unique storyline that progresses along with your class story. When you see a quest icon over your companion's head while on your ship or in a rest area such as a cantina, talk to them to advance their personal story. A companion's influence level has no effect on their story. Below is a list of each class's companions and when you recruit them. Jedi Knight T7-O1 - Tython Kira Carsen - Coruscant ...

What Do I Do Next?: Class Story Order Guide

 Progressing through the story in SWTOR is easy: just follow the purple quest markers! But is that really all you need to do? This is a list of the planets you'll visit, in order, as you play through your class story, as well as things I recommend doing and things you can skip. Prologue Starter Planet You start your story on one of four planets depending on your class: Tython (Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular) Ord Mantell (Trooper and Smuggler) Korriban (Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor) Hutta (Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent) Fleet You conclude the story quests on your starter planet by traveling to the Fleet, your faction's main hub. Flashpoint: The Esseles (Republic)/The Black Talon (Imperial) Once you reach the Fleet, you'll be prompted to board a shuttle to Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. You can simply go there, or you can do one of these flashpoints, the SWTOR equivalent of dungeons. They're meant to serve as an introduction to flashpoints and are completely optional, b...

UI Basics Guide

 When you first start playing: Little yellow "!" in the upper left corner - Closes the Welcome Window Tiny lock icon on the left of your quickbar - Locks or unlocks the quickbar so you can move your abilities around. (I recommend keeping this locked.) Alt + M - Toggles minimap or map overlay Helpful keyboard shortcuts (on a PC): C  - Character sheet I  - Inventory P  - Abilities (including pets and mounts) K  - Combat Style tab on your character sheet L  - Mission log N  - Companions M  - World map T  - Tutorials Y  - Achievements and character perks This is not a list of every keyboard shortcut, just the ones you need to know about as a new player. Cutscene tips: If you're not happy with a choice you made, you can hit Esc  to exit the cutscene and start over. You can also hit the Spacebar  to skip dialogue. Bonus: Quick Travel On the world map, you'll see little icons that allow you to fast travel to locations you've previous...

Character Creation Guide, Part 3: Species

 The last thing you need to know about character creation in SWTOR is that not all of the twelve playable species are available for all players or all classes at first. Humans, Cyborgs, and Zabraks are automatically available to all players; however, only brown Zabraks are available for Republic classes and only red Zabraks are available for Imperial classes until you unlock the species. Miraluka, Mirialans, Twi'leks, Sith Purebloods, Chiss, and Rattataki are only available to subscribers until they are unlocked. Cathar, Togruta, and Nautolans must be bought from the Cartel Market using Cartel Coins, which cost real money. Even for subscribers, certain species are restricted to certain classes until they are unlocked. Humans, Cyborgs, Zabraks, Cathar, Togruta, and Nautolans: All classes Miraluka: Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular Mirialan: All Republic classes Twi'lek: Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, and Sith Inquisitor Sith Pureblood: Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor Chiss: ...

Character Creation Guide, Part 2: Combat Styles

 Combat styles are sets of abilities you can use in combat. There are sixteen combat styles in SWTOR...but there are really only eight, since half of them are identical to the other half except for the ability names and animations. The combat style you choose does not affect your class story. Force-users Guardian/Juggernaut: Melee, single lightsaber, tank/DPS Sentinel/Marauder: Melee, dual lightsabers, DPS Sage/Sorcerer: Long-range, caster, heal/DPS Shadow/Assassin: Short-range, double-bladed lightsaber, tank/DPS, stealth Note: At the beginning of the game, only the Guardian, Sentinel, Sage, and Shadow combat styles will be available for Jedi until you unlock the Dark Side V perk; likewise, only the Juggernaut, Marauder, Sorcerer, and Assassin combat styles will be available for Sith until you unlock Light Side V. Tech-users Commando/Mercenary: Long-range, assault cannon (Commando) or dual blaster pistols (Mercenary), heal/DPS Vanguard/Powertech: Short-range, blaster rifle (...

Character Creation Guide, Part 1: Origin Stories

 This is the first thing you see when creating a new character in SWTOR. Upon picking a faction, you'll be prompted to pick one of four origin stories, a combat style, and your character's gender. Gender can be changed when customizing your character's appearance. Your combat style determines your abilities. Your origin story is more commonly called your class, and from here on I'm going to refer to origin stories as classes for simplicity's sake. There are eight classes in SWTOR, and each one has their own unique storyline. Each class story is divided into a prologue and three chapters. I will provide a brief, as-spoiler-free-as-possible summary of all the stories' first two chapters as well as their in-game descriptions so you can decide which ones sound like something you'd enjoy. Republic Jedi Knight In-game description: Champions of peace and symbols of hope in dark times, Jedi Knights stand for the legacy of the Jedi Order. My description: The Jedi K...


Greetings, galactic travelers! This blog is intended to be a repository of my knowledge of Star Wars: The Old Republic. I hope that new and seasoned players alike will find the information here useful.